O Danny Boy (Mp3 Instrumental)


  1. O Danny Boy [preview] John Redmon, Fresh Start Baptist Church Male Chorus 0:36
  2. O Danny Boy (Instrumental Track) [preview] John Redmon, Fresh Start Baptist Church Male Chorus 1:00

O Danny Boyย is recorded by John Redmon & The Thomas J. Dawson, Jr. iOrchestra (featuring Fresh Start Baptist Church Male Chorus)ย from the album Honoring Louis Armstrong.

Song was written by Frederic Weatherly.ย Arranged by Thomasย J. Dawson, Jr.

Similar artists who have recorded a version of the song:ย Judy Garland, Bing Crosby, Andrea Bocelli, Celtic Woman, Eva Cassidy, Elvis Presley

  1. O Danny Boy [preview] John Redmon, Fresh Start Baptist Church Male Chorus 0:36
  2. O Danny Boy (Instrumental Track) [preview] John Redmon, Fresh Start Baptist Church Male Chorus 1:00



  1. O Danny Boy feat. Fresh Start Baptist Church Male Chorus
  2. O Danny Boyย Instrumental



Loveโ€ฆ love is a strange creature. It controls our emotions and hmm, can make us do some crazy thingsโ€ฆ (laugh softly, as if recalling something crazy love made you do). (More seriously) But when we lose someone we love โ€“ our world comes crumbling down. And the heartโ€ฆ the heart, well it mournsโ€ฆ And nothing makes us mourn more than the loss of a child, and the longing to hold them and kiss them one more time. ย And sometimes it seems that nature understands and mourns with us too.


O Danny boy, the pipes, the pipes are calling

From glen to glen, and down the mountain side

The summer’s gone, and all the flowers are dying

‘Tis you, ’tis you must go and I must bide.

But come ye back when summer’s in the meadow

Or when the valley’s hushed and white with snow

‘Tis I’ll be here in sunshine or in shadow

O Danny boy, O Danny boy, I love you so.


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